Monday, July 2, 2012

Failed Professions: Definition, Impact, Consequences

[Full post on other blog.]

I'd like to assert that (Australian) Medicine, Banking and Finance & Investment Advisors and Information Technology (I.T.) are Failed Professions.

The fields of Management and Politics, whilst notable for their egregious actions and errors and not just failing expectations of good governance, but actively harming or exploiting the general public, are not Professions: they fail the basic tests of "Body of Knowledge" and "Entrance Requirements".

What do I mean by a "Failed Profession"?
How do I support that view?
I've posited a Theory of Professions to support this view.

Particularly, the level of Duty practitioners, organisations and the Profession owe towards their clients and their Community.

Of my list, Medicine and Banking/Finance/Investment-Advisors Professions, have the highest level of Duty towards their patients and clients: a Fiduciary Trust or Duty.

They are required to always put the concerns and welfare of their clients/patients before all else, particularly ahead of their own interests (especially pecuniary), ahead of their colleagues, employer and organisation and ahead of their Profession.

A first attempt at Medicine as a Failed Profession.

Aviation: A model for what can be done

Aviation is not Perfect, but it is the closest thing we have to it.

It shows that whole Industries, on a global scale, can embrace Quality Improvement and Safety programs whilst still being Profitable and advancing new technologies.

It's a culture and mindset and a willingness to admit weakness and error as a first step to correcting them.

Aviation succinctly answers the Professional Question:
When is it acceptable for a Professional to repeat, or allow, a Known Error, Fault or Failure?
When, not if, they are discovered, individuals and organisations will be held to account and suffer direct, personal consequences.
So why are other Professions allowed to practice outside this minimum standard?

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